1. Who's your idol?
I have so many idol, but my real idol is Michael Jackson.
2. Why do you like him?
Hmm I have no reason why I really love him. I like him because he's Michael Jackson.
3. Since when you like MJ?
I knew him since 2007. I was 10 at that time, and that was too late. Why? Because I only could feel and see him alive for only 2 years. I wonder if I was born on 80's, maybe I could see him live in the concert, I could come to his yard, saw his 'peace' hand. Oh my gosh...
4. Do you have all his album?
Do you mean the dvd? haha no. WHY? Because it's hard to find the original dvd of Michael in Indonesia. Sad isn't it? But I have one, the Dangerous. I watch it where ever I am, on the car, at home..
5. What is your favorite era of MJ?
All I know, Michael was very beautiful in every era of his life. But my favorite one is Dangerous era (1990 -1994).
6. What is your fave part of Dangerous album?
Remember The Time. When he smiled and his lips were wet, that was the sexiest part ever! DAMN.
7. And what is your favorite song of him?
I love all his song, but I'll say JAM and I'll be There.
FUUUU. I just can't...
Michael was teaching Mike Jordan how to JAM.
8. What's your favorite video clip?
I like whenever Michael were dancing alone. For example, Black or White.
Some part of it. LOOK!
9. Last question. Who's Michael for you? And what do you wanna say to people?
For me, Michael isn't only an amazing entertainer, but he's also nice person, he has beautiful heart and good personalities, we could see a pure love on him. And for people, don't ever believe magazine. It always tells lie. And the last, for Michael... Mike, where ever you are now, I just wanted to say that I love you, I really miss you and need you to be here (again). I know you hear me, once again I love you.
Verena Julia.
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